
Robot Dancing

Grades 5-8
60 min
Computer ScienceRoboticsSTEM

By the end of this activity, you will learn how to start writing computer code, why sequencing in coding is important, the meaning of key coding terms, and how to design algorithms and programs for real-life activities like dancing.

Ready to get started?

Piece of paper


An algorithm is a list of instructions for completing a task. Code is used to write an algorithm so that a computer or robot could run it (also known as a program). In this activity, you will write an algorithm for a common dance. Then you will use the dance instructions–the algorithm–to teach someone else how to do the dance.

Find a dance that you want to code

Let’s look at an example using the Chicken Dance. It has simple steps and is usually done in large groups. It is often done at 4-H camps. We’ll refer to the Chicken Dance throughout this activity.

Maybe you already know a dance! If not, find and watch an online video of a popular dance to learn how to do it.

Write the instructions for each step or move

Once you’ve picked out a dance and found a video, pause the dance after each move. Write down instructions for each step or move on a piece of paper. Be as clear as possible. Include just one move per line. Here’s an example!

  1. Use your hands to make chicken beaks.
  2.  Open and close the beaks four times.
  3. Put your hands in your armpits to make wings.
  4. Flap your arms four times.
  5. Shake your hips four times.
  6. Clap your hands four times.
Test your code

Next, you’ll test your code! The dance steps you’ve written out are an algorithm, after all.   Ask a family member or friend to read and follow your dance instructions, or read them to a younger sibling. As they go through each step, observe how well they follow your instructions. Do they do better each time? Worse?

  • Ask them to try the steps without music.
  • Have them watch the video of the dance.
  • Ask them to try the steps with music.
  • Ask them for feedback on your instructions.
Revise your instructions

Now that you’ve tested your code, revise your instructions using the feedback you got. Did the number of steps change?

The process you just went through– breaking complex instructions down into smaller parts that are easier to understand–is called decomposition in computer science.  Breaking your steps down like that means even a robot could learn your dance!

Did you know?

Stepping is a form of dance often done in Black fraternities and sororities, though there are step groups all around the country. Stepping uses the dancer’s entire body as an instrument to make complex rhythms from footsteps, spoken words, and clapping.

Both coding and stepping involve following structured patterns or steps. In coding, you write instructions in a specific order, while stepping requires executing a sequence of steps in the right order.

  • Precision is important in both activities. A small mistake in coding or a misstep in stepping can disrupt the outcome. Practice is essential for mastery.
  • Collaboration can be part of coding, while step dancing requires coordination and spatial awareness in groups.
Code your own dance

Now it is your turn! Find a song you like and make up new dance moves. You may have to pause the song to think about what movements you would like to include. Typically, each verse has its own words. Choruses go between the verses and repeat. Hint: Choruses are great places to use a loop!

If you are having a hard time getting started, create dance moves for the repeating chorus first. This may be easier than starting at the beginning of a song. When you’re ready, use a piece of paper and pencil to write down your steps.

Teach your dance

Using the instructions you wrote, have a family member or friend try the instructions without your help.

Next, you be the teacher! Show them the dance, step by step. Break it down.  Remember, this is called decomposing in computer science. Finally, put it music and try it together!

Did you know?

Loops are important in coding because they automate repetitive tasks, making code more efficient.

Bonus Activity

Now that you have taught someone your dance, make a video of both of you performing the dance. Practice first and then make a final version.  This is what coders do. Coders keep revising code to create the best version of their program. If you’d like, you can video your final dance and share it with us on social media using #CLOVERby4H!


How does thinking about coding as a set of instructions make coding seem easier?


Knowing something and teaching something are two different things.  Which one was easier for you? Why?


How could you apply the skill of decomposition to other large tasks?

New music and dances have always come from people being creative.  Now Artificial Intelligence could be used to create new music or dances once the computer knows what the rules are.

Search online for computer-generated music.  Does it sound the same as other music you have heard?  Do you think music is better when created by a human or computer? Is live music better than recorded music?  Why?

Much like what you did in this activity, a choreographer creates dances based on music. Many choreographers work in theater or film industries. Let’s meet Malea, a dance teacher and choreographer, and find out what lit her spark!

When she was just three years old, Malea fell in love with dance. She danced competitively in jazz, tap, lyrical, and contemporary styles. When she was in high school, she was on her high school’s dance team and found she loved helping out as a dance teaching assistant.

Now, Malea follows her dreams as a dance teacher, choreographer, and dance competition judge! When it is time to choregraph a new piece, Malea takes a lot of factors into consideration. The location of the dance, the number of dances, and the general atmosphere of the event influence which dance style and moves would be best.

Robot Dancing

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