
Pollinators: Butterflies

Grades Pre K-5
45 min
Animal ScienceSTEM

Create a beautiful butterfly while learning about pollination.

Butterflies are known for their colorful wings, but they offer so much more than just beauty. Just like bees, they’re hard at work as they travel from flower to flower to gain nutrients and pollinate. In this activity, kids will learn to appreciate the insect’s beauty and purpose, as they create their own butterfly and learn how they take part in pollination.

Pollinators: Butterflies

These simple art supplies are all you’ll need to create your butterfly:

Water-based markers, watercolor paint, or food coloring

Coffee filters

Wooden clothespins

A spray bottle with water

Prepare your butterfly to take flight by creating colorful wings. Let’s get started!


First, lay your coffee filter flat. Then use your markers, paint, or food coloring to make a design. You could create a butterfly you’ve seen before or you could use your imagination to create your very own butterfly.

Did you know?

The butterfly is actually this creature’s fourth physical form, since a butterfly has four stages in its lifecycle: egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis), and butterfly.


After you are done designing your butterfly, spray the water evenly over the filter and watch the colors spread and run together. Before you move to the next step, your butterfly needs to dry for about 15-20 minutes.

Did you know?

Butterflies taste with their feet! But they suck up nectar through a straw-like mechanism called the proboscis, which is its mouth. When a butterfly drinks nectar through its proboscis, some pollen gets stuck on its hairs and transfers pollen from one flower to another.


The last step is to scrunch up the coffee filter down the middle and place the clothespin between the two wings of the butterfly. You’ve created your own butterfly!

Did you know?

To help them fly, butterflies have transparent wings with tiny scales that reflect light, which create their colorful patterns.

Questions for your kids and teens.


What do the coffee filters and butterfly wings have in common?


Do you think different species of butterflies will have different patterns on their wings?


How could you attract butterflies to your home using flowers?

Take what you’ve learned to the next level and explore the possibilities.


Have you ever heard the expression “busy as a bee”? Well, bees aren’t the only insects that are busy spreading pollen, butterflies are busy too! Butterflies have better color perception than bees do. Unlike bees, they can see the color red, and also see ultraviolet light, which helps them detect nectar guides in flowers. Bees are able to accumulate more pollen on their bodies, but butterflies travel farther distances than bees, which allows them to pollinate a larger area.


So the next time you hear the saying busy as a bee, be sure to think about how butterflies and bees are both busy insects that play an important role in pollination!

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