Youth in Action


Home Programs Youth in Action Program Copy of Winners and Finalists

4‑H is proud to share the diverse stories and unique perspectives of 4‑H’ers who are leaders in their communities. 4‑H Youth in Action participants come from every corner of America and are impacting their local communities in astounding ways. Check out 4‑H Youth in Action Award winners and finalists below!



Ronak Suchindra

For over nine years, Ronak Suchindra has thrived in 4-H, transforming from a shy eight-year-old into a leader and passionate advocate for STEM education. Ronak's spark came during a 4-H scratch workshop where he solved a coding problem...

Kingston Ryals

Kingston Ryals is an inspiring leader who demonstrates the transformative power of perseverance and community involvement through his impact within 4-H. Initially hesitant to join 4-H due to a speech impediment, Kingston overcame his fears...

Esther Bonney

In October 2021, Esther Bonney faced the unimaginable loss of her brother, a tragedy that left her grappling with grief and uncertainty at just 13 years old. Seeking solace in nature, Esther found peace and a sanctuary that began her healing journey...

Katie Culbert

As the founder and Student Leader of Ocean County's first 4-H beekeeping club, Katie Culbert has made significant strides in environmental education and community outreach. Her leadership journey began...

Venya Gunjal

Over the course of nearly ten years, Venya has perfected the art of balance. Juggling her personal life and a demanding academic schedule, she's become a master of both domains—and her time with 4-H has...

Janet Santos-Maldonado

In 2020, Jafet's participation in a virtual 4-H Bug Camp sparked his amazement with insects and opened his eyes to numerous career possibilities. Through 4-H, he discovered his passion for entomology and the joy of....

Mahi Gupta

Mahi’s path of community service and leadership began with joining 4-H’s Be the Change Club that promotes volunteering and Puppy Tails Club which trains and fosters puppies to serve as guide dogs for the seeing impaired. Through 4-H’s States International program...

Michaela Auyeung

As the youngest of three, Michaela didn’t always feel like she had her own voice or sense of identity. Joining 4-H was something her siblings had done, so she followed in their footsteps. Turns out, Michaela discovered a sense of self...

Jenessa Dugger

Whether she’s leading a workshop, judging a 4-H contest or assisting with a service project, Jenessa is focused on working hard and being a good listener. Having struggled with severe anxiety and heart issues as a young person...

Pranav Kalidindi

Always a very shy child, Pranav joined the 4-H Innovation Club to pursue his deep interest in STEM. Presenting his projects not only gave him confidence but excellent public speaking skills. Realizing many youth in his community were also passionate about STEM but lacked the guidance...

Clara Kee

Joining 4-H in the first grade, Clara found a place to thrive, finding her spark in unexpected places like baking, sewing, art and public speaking. Clara discovered a world where she not only fit in but felt welcome and excelled. Understanding the feeling of being on the outside, Clara had a special desire...

Kashvi Ramani

A born writer, Kashvi wasn’t always confident with her skills. She jumped into 4-H presenting a piece called The Power of Poetry at a Presentation Day event. Little did she know the power and influence poetry would have in her own life. Armed with a growing assurance...

2024 Winners

2023 Winners

2022 Winners

2021 Winners

2020 Winners

2019 Winners

2018 Winners

2017 Winners

2016 Winners

2010-2015 Winners