4-H Today

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2017 4-H Youth in Action: A Platform to Make an Impact

By Ava Lonneman • April 27, 2017

Winning the 2017 4‑H Youth in Action STEM Pillar Award is a life-changing experience. There have been so…

Brand in Action: Lisa Bouillion Diaz, Illinois 4‑H

By National 4-H Council • April 17, 2017

“Brand in Action” is a series of interviews with 4‑H leaders in states nationwide who are…

Get Ready for the 2017 4-H National Youth Science Day Challenge: Incredible Wearables

By _Amaya_Collins_ • April 11, 2017

It’s only April, and we are already getting excited for the 2017 4‑H National Youth Science Day Challenge, Incredible Wearables,…

4-H Invites Students to Explore Wearable Technology

By kara • April 11, 2017

Wearable technology has been improving our lives for centuries, starting with such enduring inventions as eyeglasses and watches. As new wearable technology innovations capture the world’s attention, 4‑H – America’s largest youth development organization – is engaging young people to explore the field of wearable technology.

Student Soil Sleuths Dig In to Learn About the Importance of Soil Health in 2017 4-H Ag Innovators Experience

By kara • April 4, 2017

Students from five states across the Midwest are set to take on the Healthy Soils Carbon Soil Investigation Challenge as part of the 2017 4‑H Ag Innovators Experience (4‑H AIE) activity.

4-H Names Amelia Day as the 2017 National 4-H Youth in Action Winner

By National 4-H Council • March 22, 2017

National 4‑H Council today announced that Amelia Day, 18, of Fort Valley, Ga., was selected as the national winner of the 2017 Youth in Action Award. Day, who also won the Youth in Action Civic Engagement Pillar Award, was honored at National 4‑H Council’s Legacy Awards in Washington, D.C. As the national Youth in Action winner, Day will receive $10,000 in scholarships for higher education.

2017 4-H Legacy Awards: Embodying the 4-H Grown Spirit

By _Amaya_Collins_ • March 22, 2017

Another year, another astounding evening of impact and empowerment! If we’ve learned anything from the 4-H…

National 4-H Council Announces Group of Prominent Alumni to Help Grow 4-H

By National 4-H Council • March 21, 2017

National 4‑H Council announces today the launch of 4‑H Luminaries, an exclusive group of accomplished and influential 4‑H alumni that will help raise awareness of the life-changing 4‑H impact and generate support for bringing 4‑H to more youth in need.

National Ag Day: Why It’s Important for Kids to Understand Where Their Food Comes From

By _Amaya_Collins_ • March 20, 2017

Agriculture is a part of all of us, and National Ag Day is a perfect time…

2017 4-H Legacy Awards: Meet the Honorees

By _Amaya_Collins_ • March 20, 2017

On March 21, National 4-H Council will hold its 8th annual Legacy Awards in Washington, D.C.,…