Oven Smothered Chicken

Featured in Fresh Cuts, a collection of recipes from the 4-H family

“Smothered chicken is a time-honored tradition in the South. Decades before everyone became more aware of health and nutrition, my Granny was at the forefront. She spent her days as a hospital dietitian, but her life’s work was as a loving wife, mother, and grandmother. When my grandfather began to have heart problems, she immediately took her family’s classic Southern recipes and made them more nutritious. Those are the recipes she passed down to me.

This updated version isn’t just cooked completely in the oven for a perfect weeknight meal, but it's fall-off-the-bone delicious. All you have to do before serving is smash the garlic and onion to make a light pan sauce to spoon over the chicken.”

Preparation Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 1 Hour, 30 Minutes
Servings: 4 - 6

Grades Pre K-8
2 hrs
Cooking & BakingHealthy Living