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CLOVER: Helpers, Heroes & History

...them? Brainstorm the answers to these questions and learn how to draw your own superhero selfie! See yourself as a hero! CENTRAL…

Youth Voices

4‑H YOUTH VOICES Stories of 4‑H youth who create positive change in their communities. Home You searched for Paper Clover Campaign Page…

CLOVER: Space, Gardening & Music

...from site selection all the way to harvesting! Register for Free Gardening Classes Cloverbud Click It, Print It, Do it Recommended Age:…

CLOVER: Origami, Baking & Space

...and much more! Discover CLOVER! Bread in a Bag Recommended age: Grades Pre-K-12 Courtesy of University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nebraska 4-H Watch and…

CLOVER: Animal Science

This week’s collection of CLOVER activities is all about animals! Visit the links to learn more about the activity, and don’t forget,…

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