Join others who support 4‑H’s future by naming National 4‑H Council in your estate plans.

The national 4-H heritage club

You remember starting your 4‑H club meeting by pledging your head, heart, hands, and health so your community, and even the world, were better places for all. Now you have the opportunity to show your continued support to the 4‑H mission as a member of The National 4‑H Heritage Club, National 4‑H Council’s Planned Giving Society.

Join others who support 4‑H’s future by naming National 4‑H Council in your estate plans. Anyone who has made a planned gift to National 4‑H Council and completed a Declaration of Intent is eligible for membership in the National 4‑H Heritage Club. There are no fees or minimum required to become a member of the National 4‑H Heritage Club.

Ways to make a planned gift

The 4‑H pledge is a mainstay of the 4‑H experience, and has been recited by millions of young people and adults alike. Through a planned gift to 4‑H, you, too, can make a pledge that will have a significant impact on the lives of young people and their communities across the country.

When you join National 4‑H Council’s Planned Giving Society known as Heritage Club, you are committing to the future of 4‑H and to the kids we serve. As a member of the Heritage Club, you’re taking your place among others who share your impassioned commitment to positive youth development. Signing a Declaration of Intent for your planned gift is all that’s needed to join the National 4‑H Heritage Club; there are no fees or minimum commitments required.

National 4‑H Council accepts planned gifts through a variety of vehicles, including but not limited to:

  • Bequests through wills and trusts
  • Charitable remainder annuity trusts
  • Insurance policies
  • Securities
  • Cash

For questions or more information, please reach out to Bo Ryles, Senior Director, Strategic Relationships at BORYLES@4-H.ORG or 301-961-2995.

Sample bequest language

The most commonly used vehicle for making a legacy gift to National 4‑H Council is a bequest included in a will or trust. Sample bequest language is provided that you may wish to use when working with your attorney or estate planner. You are under no obligation, however, to use this language in order to leave an estate gift to National 4‑H Council.

“I give (the sum, percentage of estate, or description of property) to National 4‑H Council, 7100 Connecticut Ave., Chevy Chase, MD 20815 to be used for its general unrestricted purposes.”

The Federal Tax ID number for 4‑H is 36-2862206.

Planned giving resources

Planned Giving Resources

4-H Planned Giving Declaration of Intent - 4-29-2022
4-H Planned Giving Declaration of Intent - 4-29-2022