Thank You
Thanks for brightening kids’ lives by providing opportunities where they are needed most.
Your gift to National 4 H Council is being put to work immediately and is opening doors and removing barriers for the 55 million kids in America. How’s THAT for making a difference? Your decision to give means nothing will hold them back. Not now. Not ever and that is because of you!
Thank you for taking a (colossal) step to eliminate the opportunity gap. Want to do more? Here are 4 additional ways you can ignite change:”
- Start a FACEBOOK FUNDRAISER in support of 4‑H – inspiring your network to join you in closing the opportunity gap.
- Encourage friends and family to donate to National 4‑H Council by sharing how you sparked change on FACEBOOK and TWITTER.
- Shop 4‑H to display your pride and support for more than 55 million kids in America!