Water Bottle Rocket
Recommended age: Grades 3-12
Courtesy of New Mexico State University, New Mexico 4‑H
Get outside with this explosive Rocketry project! Learn how to make a rocket from a plastic bottle, pencils, tape, vinegar, and baking soda. Then watch the rocket shoot to the sky!
Bicycle ABC Quick Check
Recommended age: Grades 3-12
Courtesy of Purdue University, Indiana 4‑H
Run through these short steps before every ride to keep your bicycle running properly.
Embryology 101
Recommended age: Grades 3-5
Courtesy of University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nebraska 4‑H
The Embryology 101 series includes four lessons complete with videos and worksheets allowing youth to explore the life cycle of an embryo and how life develops! Youth will observe the process of incubating and hatching chicks, identify parental traits that influence the appearance of the chicks, and recognize where eggs and chicken meat come from.