I was eight years old when I first saw food insecurity in my community.

Through Bloomington/Normal's annual Diwali Food Drive, I witnessed the impacts of hunger firsthand, as I collected, organized, and delivered nonperishable food items to several local charitable organizations. That was the first time I realized that kids like me-families just like mine-struggled with something many of us take for granted: healthy, nutritious food. The issue of food insecurity particularly intrigued me because it seemed as if it was often ignored, despite the fundamental role health plays in the lives of everyday Americans. However, as I grew, 4-H provided me with an arena to address this challenge.

First through the McLean County Hunger Ambassadors, and later on through [former] Illinois Food Advocacy Team and Illinois Healthy Living Delegation, I was able to work with 4H-ers statewide to improve food security and healthy living in Illinois. Most significantly, our team rolled out $23,600 in mini-grant funding, supporting 30 youth-led food advocacy projects-varying from SPIN club community gardens to birthday backpack kits-over the span of two years.

However, never did I think that I would have the honor of representing 4-H at the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health this past September. As a speaker in conversation with the Second Gentleman and Ambassador Susan Rice, I had the opportunity to share my food advocacy and healthy living story and represent 4-H on a national stage. Furthermore, as an attendee of the conference, I was amazed by the profound impact speakers from across the country had had on their communities when it came to supporting healthy living. Whether it was hearing about Boston Public Schools' innovative "My Way Cafes", or being galvanized by guest speaker José Andrés' call-to-action, my main takeaway was clear: there is no limit to the power of a passionate individual rallying behind a project.

Doug-Emhoff-and-Avani-Rai (1)

Of course, with the amazing resources that 4-H can provide its members, I am certain that our youth can play an essential role in leading the charge to improve healthy living across our country. And so, to those youth impassioned by the idea of eliminating food insecurity, I have a few suggestions:

1) Start out small:

Tackling a convoluted issue like food insecurity can seem impossible at first, but instead, if you can find one community to leave an impact on, you'll be amazed at the impact you can have.

2) Find a team to support you:

The great thing about this point is that you've already got one: 4-H! An organization like 4-H, can provide you with the mentors, resources, and passionate peers you need to sustain a project idea you might have. Chances are, your extension or state is already doing something to address healthy living, and you can use that as a connection point to get started on your own project.

3) Don't be afraid to fail:

This one might seem a little odd, but I mean it wholeheartedly. Don't let your fears-your age or inexperience or whatever else-put you in a box. Dream big about your impact and follow through with the work ethic to back it up! You might not always achieve your goals, but you will definitely learn from the experience.

As announced at the Conference, it is our nation's imperative to end hunger in our country by 2030. I hope you will join 4-H in achieving that mission. After all, the 4th H is indeed health.


As I reflect on 2022, the biggest highlights for me involved spending time listening and learning from 4-H'ers again post-pandemic. Their insights help me understand how we can continue to meet the very real and changing needs of young people. I am inspired by Gen Z and their willingness to tackle some of our most pressing issues and their commitment to making a difference in their communities.  

Here are a few of my favorite moments from the past year and the amazing youth and adults I met along the way.  

Digital Divide


4-H'ers are doers who are making a difference in their communities, and many participate in the 4-H Tech Changemakers program. Stephen Hayes is a part of Florida A&M's 4-H program, (4-H Youth Development (famu.edu), where he joins thousands of 4-H'ers around the country who are working to bridge the digital divide in their communities by teaching digital skills to adults. You can watch Stephen and his mom, Sabrina, (an Extension agent!), interviewed on The Tamron Hall Show where they talked about their work and impact. 4-H Tech Changemakers was also featured in this New York Times article, which highlights 4-H's efforts to close the digital divide.  

Workforce Readiness


Connecting with young people and hearing what's on their hearts and minds is one of the most rewarding parts of my job. I met with these 4-H'ers during the 4-H Youth Ag Summit where I learned about their aspirations - in high school, college, and beyond. Preparing the next generation with the skills needed to succeed is a significant focus of our mission. And we're grateful to partners like Google, Verizon, Microsoft, Nationwide, Bayer, Tractor Supply Company, Hughes Net and others for preparing the future workforce. Recently, Google.org extended its partnership with a $5 million computer science education grant to support thousands of young people with computer science education. Check out this article to learn more about the Google partnership. 

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


As part of 4-H's mission to create opportunity for all young people, we convened the True Leaders in Equity Institute as part of our Youth Summit Series. 4-H'ers learned leadership skills to tackle local equity issues they identified in their communities. This leadership opportunity will foster welcoming and inclusive environments for all young people in 4-H. Trustee Tiffany Atwell and I were inspired by our time with teen leaders from the Virginia 4-H Equity and Inclusion Task Force.  You can learn more about the 4-H True Leaders in Equity Institute here. And the Virginia 4-H task force here. 

Climate Change/Sustainability


In December, I traveled to Hawai'i to meet with Cooperative Extension leaders from the University of Hawaii , Northern Mariana Islands, Guam and American Samoa. These impressive 4-H programs prioritize youth voice as they serve many families who identify as Native Hawai'ian and Pacific Islanders. I was honored to meet 4-H'er Jenna (above, left) and learn about how the Kona 4-H Program has helped her build confidence, set college goals, and share her Native Hawai'ian culture through dance and art. Extension leaders, including Tayna Belyeu-Camacho, Northern Mariana Islands, (right), also shared about the effects of climate change and natural disasters on their campuses and programs, how important environmental stewardship is to their 4-H youth, and what they are doing to be part of the solution in their local communities. These sentiments mirrored the data in our Teen Environmental Survey that we released earlier this year. 

Mental Well-being


Here's a fun photo from a hike I took with 4-H Youth in Action Agriculture winner Tashina Red Hawk during the Agriculture Summit at the Summit in Colorado. One of the things we talked about was our own emotional well-being, as Tashina and I both shared our own challenges and how young people and adults in our lives are struggling after the pandemic. I'm grateful for Cooperative Extension's 4-H programs that support the emotional and physical well-being of young people by encouraging positive social interactions with peers and adults.   

Food & Agriculture


There are thousands of Gen Z youth who represent the future of agriculture and food security. Equipping teens with the resilience and skills to build and run our country's agricultural system has always been a core purpose of 4-H. I was so excited to visit the New York State Fair this summer, one of thousands of events where 4-H gives young people the opportunity to showcase their projects like livestock, nutrition, leadership, art and public speaking while developing a lasting sense of belonging and purpose.  

Civic Engagement

Providing youth with opportunities to build leadership and civic engagement skills in the real world is another 4-H priority. And there's nothing better than a live classroom during 4-H Day at the Georgia State Capitol. I hope you'll enjoy this video I took in February as the Georgia State Speaker of the House led a huge stairway full of 4-H'ers in the wave. This event was special to me because it was the first large gathering of 4-H youth I attended since 2020 and it was great to see them all together, learning about leadership from 4-H alums.

My time with 4-H youth this year made me more grateful than ever for the dedication and commitment of the 4-H staff, educators and volunteers who deliver Cooperative Extension's 4-H programs locally. Thank you - you are heroes of youth development. I am excited to see what the future holds as we continue to empower youth to make a positive impact on the world around them.  

If you'd like to see and learn more about 4-H, be sure to visit our website at 4-H.org and/or visit our social media channels @4H and @JSirangelo. I always love connecting with people who are interested in creating opportunity for all young people through 4-H. 

It's no secret that spending time outdoors has many health benefits. Access to nature is associated with lower levels of stress, anxiety, and sadness. Young people especially have much to gain from the benefits of nature. Youth yearn for and seek outdoor experiences, whether it's a soccer game at a park, a day at camp, growing a garden, or caring for animals.

While the state of youth mental health has been on the decline for more than a decade, it has accelerated over the past few years. From a global pandemic and climate change to social injustice and cyber bullying, young people are facing a world of uncertainty and a new set of challenges and stressors. Now more than ever, engaging with nature is a sanctuary, a path to reconnecting and healing.


Our recent survery, revealed that 85 percent of teens believe access to the outdoors is a basic human right, and another 89 percent regularly think about the environment. After spending time outdoors, 66 percent said they feel less stressed, and the levels of stress only decrease the more time they spend outdoors. This gives us insight into how much teens value time spent outdoors and the benefits it provides.

Despite this knowledge, teens recognize that access to nature varies with 62 percent of teens wishing they had more time to spend outdoors but are too committed to other activities. The teens surveyed also recognize the gaps, with 82 percent of them wishing their school did more to provide outdoor experiences and learning opportunities. Another 48 percent said they would like to spend more time outdoors but were not sure where to start.

Cooperative Extension's 4-H program is just the place to make that start. 4-H empowers youth by giving them the support and skills they need while providing rewarding outdoor experiences. The THR!VE Youth-Adult Mindfulness Retreat is one of these opportunities. The retreat, offered through Iowa State University Extension and Outreach's 4-H program, helps teens reconnect with parents, create new connections, and discover the benefits of mindfulness while participating in outdoor activities like zip-lining, archery, hiking, horseback riding, and canoeing. Youth left the retreat feeling, "calm and refreshed, relaxed and recharged, accepted, encouraged, creative, more connected, confident, and better able to manage stress."

Teens crave more connection to nature and the environment in their everyday lives. They need access to programs that not only deliver the benefits of time outdoors, but also the education that enriches their lives. Today's youth feel empowered and united to become agents of change that successfully create a future with healthier people and a healthier planet. All they need is the right opportunity.

It's not an easy fix, however, 4-H can be part of the solution. Even in today's hybrid-virtual world, 4-H opens doors to nature and learning to ignite a spark in all youth. Find your local 4-H club here.

For ideas and activities to get youth enjoying the outdoors, visit 4-H at Home.

A worldwide organization unlike any other, 4-H is unique. Over 6 million teens and youth of every imaginable background make 4-H what it is, each one of them with their own story. WIWPK is a place to capture their experiences, their challenges, their vision, their success.

A 4-H advocate for teen mental health, Mayyadah believes that small actions make a big difference. Seeing and hearing people, showing respect and giving validation play a big part in a person's mental health journey and having a support system of peers and family in place is key when challenges and hurdles do arise.

Learn more about Mayyadah and her reflections on inclusion and teen mental health in the video below.


An Open Letter to Young People from Jennifer Sirangelo

Have you ever wondered what mental health really is? Experts define it as our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Mental health impacts our thoughts, feelings, physical health, and actions in everyday life. Now, I am by no means a mental health expert. I can't speak to the best positive mental health practices because each of us is unique, and we all manage our mental health differently. But what I can do is share my own experiences with mental health. And more importantly, I can encourage openness, acceptance, honesty and support when it comes to the mental health of America's youth.

Young people are resilient, but your needs are often overlooked. You deal with the pressures of growing up while connected 24-hours a day to your community through your phone. You work to fit in - while embracing your individuality and standing out from the crowd. You're held to so many high standards-success, beauty, intelligence, popularity.

I understand what you are going through because I was you. And in many ways, I am still you. I experience moments of high stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. But as an adult, I can seek out the resources I need to help cope. I know it's not always easy for you.

You're facing a whole new world of challenges, and it's our job as adults to listen and respond. According to a new CDC study, the percentage of American high-school students who say they feel "persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness" rose from 26 percent to 44 percent from 2009 to 2021. This is the highest level of teenage sadness ever recorded. As adults, we can and should always provide a safe space for you to honestly share your struggles. In Cooperative Extension's 4-H program, we aim to empower you with resources to overcome the obstacles you face today and grow into the leader you want to be.

We are continually learning about how to best provide these opportunities. In a recent survey we wanted to better understand how teens feel about the environment and their evolving relationship with the outdoor world. The findings were clear, young people who spend more time outside are happier and less stressed. 4-H's approach to outdoor education puts a focus on healthier living and inclusion for all, challenging and encouraging young people to engage in, and build a life-long appreciation for, the outdoors. In other words, you don't have to do it alone.

So, I am writing this open letter to say: your mental health matters. You can find a sense of belonging in 4-H. We are committed to providing the space you need to cope and connect you with caring adult mentors who will listen and come alongside you with resources that can help.

Every day, you inspire me. I watch young people like you take on mental health with so much conviction. From rallying within your community to speaking out and protecting your friends online, you lead and advocate for your peers in a way that no one else can.

You've found your purpose. I see your courage and I'm inspired.

Never stop being honest about your mental health and reaching out to the adults who can help.

Find your local 4-H.

There’s still time to combat the summer slide with these kid-friendly tips and activities! They’re fun, safe, and sure to keep the kids sharp as the school year draws near.



Traveling Reimagined

Couldn’t make that annual summer vacation this year? Now is the perfect time to learn about a place you’ve never visited before—like, say, rainforests! Try this 
Paint a Rainforest activity, courtesy of Utah State University Extension, to learn about and create a tropical jungle scene.

Fun with Food

Turn mealtime into a learning moment that the entire family can enjoy. Kids (and adults) can learn how to grow and produce food ingredients with this 
CLOVER collection of activities (brought to you by University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service).

Slushie and Chill

Grab your favorite fresh—or frozen—fruits, a little bit of water or milk, add ice, and blend for a delicious and refreshing frozen drink. You can start with this 
Watermelon Slushie recipe (shared by 4‑H alum Elisabeth) and remix it however you want!

Marshmallows Out

Camping, but make it science! Recharge those STEM skills with these 
Solar Oven S’mores, courtesy of HughesNet.

Just Relaaax

A quiet mind and still body can surely bring some calmness to these last few days of summer. Need a little help managing your stress? This 
Stress Less exercise from The Allstate Foundation and Ohio State University Extension can help you identify daily high-stress activities and make room for more mindful, low-stress moments.

I’ve proudly recited the 4‑H pledge since I was 9 years old. But, much of my 4‑H experience has been unconventional.

I’ve attended virtual 4‑H meetings before “Zoom” became a household name; completed fair projects from the St. Louis Children’s Hospital while waiting for a bone marrow transplant; attended conferences and helped judge fair projects from my hospital room;  and wrote legislators regarding important health and agricultural issues while recovering in my bed at home.

For the past five years, I’ve spent much of my life in and out of hospitals undergoing treatment for stage IV High Risk Neuroblastoma cancer. I’ll never forget how difficult that first hospital stay was. Not only was my family still reeling from the cancer diagnosis, but we didn’t have any basic supplies for a lengthy hospital stay. Who thinks about toothbrushes when you’re just trying to wrap your mind around chemotherapy? Who remembers to pack snacks when confronted with their child’s serious illness?

But that experience got me thinking…Other families must be dealing with this, too. Could I make their days and nights a little more comfortable so they can focus on healing…and on just spending precious time with each other?

4‑H taught me many things, but most of all it taught me the importance of contributing to my community. It inspires us to be leaders when we’re called to serve. And that’s what I needed to do. I needed to turn my experience with pediatric cancer into a platform of awareness, advocacy and compassion.

In 2017, I took initiative and formed my platform, “Crowns Fight Cancer,” shortly after being crowned Jr. Miss Effingham County Fair Queen. I knew in that moment – when my name echoed over the loudspeaker – that it wasn’t about me, but rather every kid stuck in a hospital whose voice couldn’t be heard. So, I started advocating for childhood cancer research, awareness, and funding with a passion. I traveled to Washington, D.C. multiple times to speak with congressional leaders, I’ve been a guest speaker at CureFest, met with the FDA about issues affecting pediatric oncology patients, and was featured in an award-winning docu-series about pediatric cancer.

During Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in September, I’m beyond grateful to have had the opportunity to bless other families going through their own harrowing cancer journeys. I organize supply drives collecting toiletries and snacks to donate to St. Louis and Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospitals and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Using my 4‑H leadership skills, I’ve partner with local businesses, civic organizations, 4‑H clubs, area schools, and the media to promote this initiative which has – to date – provided families with more than 60,000 essential items. This project is something I am incredibly proud of, and I am excited to see how it will continue to grow.

One thing I love about 4‑H is how much it embraces diversity and people of all abilities. There’s no one way to be a 4‑H’er. With each passing year, I’ve gained a broader skill set, expanded my knowledge, and increased my beneficial contributions to society. Throughout my battle with cancer, I’ve felt empowered and supported by my 4‑H community which, in turn, has allowed me to empower and support others.

Participating in 4‑H truly changed the course of my life and equipped me for the future – inspiring my dream to become a Pediatric Oncology Nurse. The hands-on projects I’ve participated in helped grow my confidence and develop my independence and strength. As a nurse, I will be able to take what I’ve learned in 4‑H and directly apply it on an oncology floor – enriching the lives I touch and teaching pediatric patients the power of resilience.

Cancer is part of my story, but it doesn’t define me. 4‑H continues to be the reason for some of my best days, and helps me through some of my most challenging ones. And after a year like 2020, millions of kids need that support, too. This difficult year is always going to be part of our story, but it doesn’t have to dictate our future. I believe 4‑H is what kids need most right now.

If there’s a kid in your life, introduce them to 4‑H. It can change the course of their future in remarkable ways.

Elizabeth Weidner
Illinois 4‑H
2021 4‑H Youth in Action Civic Engagement Pillar Winner

Thank you to our 2021 4‑H Youth in Action Civic Engagement Pillar sponsor, Allstate.

As the president and CEO of National 4‑H Council, there is nothing more important to me than ensuring America’s young people have the skills to lead and change the world. I have dedicated my career to supporting children and their families, and I have never seen a more urgent need for investment in young people and their futures.

To witness the pain and growing disparities caused by the pandemic and systemic racism is heartbreaking.  COVID-19 is exacerbating inequities in mental health, access to education and employability – particularly among those communities already experiencing trauma, systemic social inequity and other disadvantages prior to the pandemic.

Too many young people are at risk of being left behind. The opportunity gap is widening—in virtually every corner of America. Much of the evidence of this is included in a new white paper – Beyond the Gap – prepared by youth development leaders, researchers, practitioners and young people, together with experts in the private and public sectors.

As a nation, we must invest more in positive youth development.

America’s Cooperative Extension System and 4‑H are working to bring a life-changing experience to millions more young people—10 million kids by 2025—because we believe that every child should have an equal opportunity to succeed. Not in the future. Right now.

Closing the opportunity gap means that the health, well-being and success of any young person isn’t determined by their zip code or the color of their skin. It means that all youth have access to positive youth development programming—and the necessary support and experiences to navigate the social and economic realities that we now face.

Closing the opportunity gap will take bold thinking and action.  It will require a collective effort. It means engaging youth development organizations, school systems, corporations, foundations, local, county, state and Federal governments.

In 4‑H, we are fortunate to have some powerful allies. Our partners—some of the largest brands in the world like Google, Microsoft, Walmart, Nationwide and others—are committed to creating opportunity for more young people. In addition, Federal Agencies such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Justice support 4‑H in its work to scale and advance diversity, equity and inclusion efforts that directly impact youth of color.

We must listen to young people.

Youth can lead us and teach us. Where adults see challenges, youth see opportunities to step up and give back. They are incredibly creative and inspiring. And they must have a role in creating their own futures. The resilience, confidence and strength of young people is what gives me hope—and youth are asking for more opportunities to positively impact their world.

4‑H is listening to young people and lifting up youth voice through a powerful new campaign – Opportunity4All – that will bring youth to the forefront of discussions about how we eliminate the opportunity gap. Recently, 4‑H youth joined 4‑H alums, thought leaders and other experts for a robust conversation on how best to address the disparities that are holding young people back. You can watch the program here.

Most importantly, we must live our values every day.

At National 4‑H Council, we are taking concrete steps to support and accelerate Cooperative Extension’s diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) work, but also to become a more diverse, inclusive and equitable organization ourselves.

We’ve established a new leadership position at National 4‑H Council to guide the implementation of our DEI strategy and training across Council, and with Extension 4‑H programs. We’re telling an inclusive and aspirational story of 4‑H with youth and alumni from all backgrounds and experiences. We are listening to our partners in higher ed—especially leadership at the 4‑H programs in our nation’s historically black colleges and universities.  And we are setting diversity goals for the composition of Council’s Board of Trustees, leadership and staff.

We are only at the beginning of this journey.  Positive youth development focuses on building youth assets, opportunities and voice – rather than focusing on problems.  A national commitment to positive youth development can transform our country’s social, economic and political imbalances—and create a more equitable and just America.

Our youth are an investment worth making.


To learn more about what 4‑H is doing in diversity, equity and inclusion, please visit our website for a compendium of DEI resources and information at www.4-h.org/diversity

To hear the stories and the impact young leaders are making today, visit our web site at www.4‑H.org/youthvoices

Kids will explore new foods and adopt healthier eating habits with this week’s 4‑H at Home activities on food and nutrition! Visit the links to learn more about the activity and check back every Monday for new ideas and hands-on, educational resources for all young people.

Ice Cream in a Bag

Recommended age: Grades Pre-K-12

Courtesy of Oklahoma State University

Enjoy a cool summer treat by learning how to make ice cream in a bag! Follow along with this video recipe to learn how to make it.

Ingredients needed: ½ cup milk, ½ tsp. vanilla, ½ cup heavy cream, ¼ cup sugar, 1 gallon Ziploc bag with ice and rock salt

Enjoy homemade ice cream!

Learn about Nutrition with Play Dough

Recommended age: Grades Pre-K-2

Courtesy of Utah State University

In this activity, young kids will identify healthy foods alongside a classic children’s book and practice what they learned through a play dough-making and molding activity.

This activity is part of the Virtual 4‑H Camp Food & Nutrition Experience. Find more activities in Nutrition, STEM, and Arts & Crafts on Virtual 4‑H Camp.

Have fun with nutrition!

Soft Pretzels

Recommended age: Grades Pre-K-12

Courtesy of University of Maine

Learn how to make tasty soft pretzels by following along with this video recipe!

Ingredients needed: 1 egg, 1 package dry active yeast, 1 ½ cup water, 1 cup whole grain flour, 3 cups white flour, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tbsp. sugar

Make your pretzels!

4‑H Fresh Chefs Cookbook & Cooking Demo with Carla Hall

What’s better than cooking at home? Making meals that are both inspired and easy to make. This collection of recipes from the 4‑H community hits those marks on every page. Featuring nearly 50 recipes from 4‑H’ers, supporters, and 4‑H alumni — including celebrity chef, author, and Tennessee 4‑H alumna Carla Hall — the Fresh Chefs digital cookbook includes healthy everyday recipes and celebratory dishes for youth and families to enjoy. Download the free digital cookbook and watch a cooking demo with Carla Hall to learn how to make her oven smothered chicken!

Learn to cook with Carla Hall!

4‑H Healthy Living Activity Guide

Download the free 4‑H Healthy Living Activity Guide to find 30 hands-on activities to help your kid live a healthy lifestyle!

Get access to the guide!

More Weekly Lessons & Resources:

Coding & Computers

Mind & Body

Making, Media & Visual Arts

Virtual 4‑H Camp, Painting & Chemical Reactions

Helpers, Heroes & History

DNA, Fruit Batteries & Water Camp


Clear your mind and strengthen your body with this week’s collections of CLOVER activities on mental and physical wellness!  Don’t forget to visit the links to learn more about the activity and check back every Monday for new ideas and hands-on, educational resources for all young people.

Indoor Fitness Trail

Recommended age: Grades 3-12

Courtesy of Purdue University, Indiana 4‑H

Learn how to create an indoor fitness trail that is a great way to stay physically active while indoors!

Start Walking at Home!

Bike Safety

Recommended age: Grades Pre-K-12

Courtesy of Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma 4‑H

Follow these steps to make sure your bicycle is safe and ready to ride!

Take a Ride!

Health Rocks! Video Playlists

Recommended age: Grades Pre-K-12

Courtesy of University of Tennessee, Tennessee 4‑H

Learn about healthy living topics such as stress, decision making and much more with these Health Rocks! video playlists!

Beginner Playlist (Grades Pre-K+)

Intermediate Playlist (Grades 6-12)

Soccer & CLOVER Summer Program

Recommended age: Grades 3-12

Courtesy of Purdue University, Indiana 4‑H

Explore topics such as soccer fundamentals, home challenges, serving others, eating well and more with this 10-week Soccer & CLOVER Summer Program that includes lessons in both English and Spanish!

Kick into the Summer!

Work Out with Avery Williamson!

Try this at-home workout from New York Jets linebacker & Tennessee 4‑H alum Avery Williamson! Watch and follow along to stay physically active at home. Try as many sets of this workout as you’d like to fit your fitness level!

More Weekly Lessons:

Making, Media & Visual Arts

Virtual 4‑H Camp, Painting & Chemical Reactions

Helpers, Heroes & History

DNA, Fruit Batteries & Water Camp

Creative Writing, Abstract Art & Jewelry Making

Gardening, Exercise & Wildlife